[PHP-INSTALL] php mail postfix linebreaks
Andre Hübner
2008-06-06 08:35:58 UTC

actually i have the problem described here:

Note: If messages are not received, try using a LF (\n) only. Some poor
quality Unix mail transfer agents replace LF by CRLF automatically (which
leads to doubling CR if CRLF is used). This should be a last resort, as it
does not comply with » RFC 2822.

Mails arrive in mailbox but between headerlines of mails are always empty
lines. so some heraderlins are shown as mailtext. If i change to \n the
header is ok. I got information that problem only occurs when viewing mails
in OutLook Express.
Postfix ist Version 2.3.4, php 4.4.8/ php 5.2.6

The oddish Thing ist that i have machines wehre apache/php/postfix is
exactly in same versions installed. One some machines i have to use \n
instead of \r\n and on some i can use \r\n just like in documentation. Only
differnence between this machines is OS. postfix/apache/php packages are

The OS where Mails always get correct sent is suse linux 8.2. On Suse linux
10.1 i have the problem with lf/crlf

I do not find any difference. Is there someone who is experienced with this
issue? I need a hint what to do now.


