[PHP-INSTALL] Newbie PHP insatllation questions
Charlie Lewis
2012-12-05 11:50:41 UTC
I'm new to PHP. An experienced IT professional, albeit in the Windows
environment, but this is uncharted territory. Please bear with me,
paricularly if I've missed answers in the archives. I also find the install
notes with the PHP file distribution complicated.

My core question is this. How do I get a working PHP (and SQLite)
environment on a Windows 7 PC? I'm building a bookseller website which will
have the book inventory stored as an SQLite database, produced by AbeBooks'
Homebase 3.0 product. I want to develop and test this locally, then move it
to the hosting ISP's server.

Can anybody provide a step-by-step set of instructions to make this
development environment happen?

Many thanks,

Charlie Lewis
Keith Roberts
2012-12-05 20:31:15 UTC
Subject: [PHP-INSTALL] Newbie PHP insatllation questions
I'm new to PHP. An experienced IT professional, albeit in the Windows
environment, but this is uncharted territory. Please bear with me,
paricularly if I've missed answers in the archives. I also find the install
notes with the PHP file distribution complicated.
My core question is this. How do I get a working PHP (and SQLite)
environment on a Windows 7 PC? I'm building a bookseller website which will
have the book inventory stored as an SQLite database, produced by AbeBooks'
Homebase 3.0 product. I want to develop and test this locally, then move it
to the hosting ISP's server.
Can anybody provide a step-by-step set of instructions to make this
development environment happen?
Hi Charlie.

You can use XAMPP for windows from here:


The only thinng is it does not seem to support the Xdebug
PHP debugging extension. There are other packages like this
for running Apache, MySQL and PHP on Windows, but this is
the easiest one I found to work well.

Create a seperate user account called web_dev or whatever,
and download the

version. You will need to install the 7zip program first,
then unpack the 7z file as the web_dev user.

Next you will need to change the ownership of all those
unpacked files to belong to web_dev.

That will enable you to run Apache and MySQL without having
to turn off UAC.


Keith Roberts


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