[PHP-INSTALL] PHP 5.3/5.4 and windows scripting host, WSF, ActiveScript question
David Lykke Søndergaard
2013-05-11 21:47:42 UTC

I have been trying to get PHP to work with Windows Scripting Host and WSF files.

With PHP 5.2.17, I could use PHP5ActiveScript.dll to make the connection and run this script:
<job id="test">
<script language="PHPScript">
$WScript->Echo("Hello World!");


I can not, however, get this to work with PHP 5.3 or 5.4.

I have tried on windows 7, Windows XP and a freshly installed Windows XP.
I have tried with the standalone zip file, the installer and WAMP (Some indicated that this had a working installation of PHP with activescript).

I have copied different versions of the PHP5activeScript.dll to the PHP folder, but when I try to run regsvr32.exe php5activescript.dll, I always get the error: "LoadLibrary("php5activescript.php") failed - The specified procedure could not be found." (Unless I copy it to 5.2.17, were it registers successfull)

Php5activescript is desupported according to php.net, but I can not find an replacement way of connection PHP to windows Script Host ?

Hope somebody can help with this.

--David S.
