[PHP-INSTALL] php54-git build, configured to link to external pcre in /usr/local, instead links to pcre in /usr. need help getting this straightened out.
2012-10-18 20:39:28 UTC
I'm src-building PHP-5.4-git branch.

I'm using this configure string:

./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/php5 \
--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/etc/php5/apache2 \
--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php5/conf.d \
--with-libdir=lib64 \
--enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no \
--with-layout=GNU \
--enable-cli \
--enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=wwwrun --with-fpm-group=www \
--disable-cgi \
--disable-debug \
--disable-rpath \
--enable-inline-optimization \
--with-pic \
--with-gnu-ld \
--enable-re2c-cgoto \
--enable-filter \
--disable-maintainer-zts \
--with-zend-vm=CALL \
--with-tsrm-pthreads \
--with-pear \
--enable-short-tags \
--enable-pdo=shared --with-pdo-mysql=shared,mysqlnd
--with-pdo-sqlite=shared,mysqlnd \
--with-mysqli=shared,mysqlnd \
--with-sqlite3=shared,/usr \
--enable-dba=shared \
--with-db4 --without-db3 --without-db2 --without-db1 \
--with-cdb \
--enable-inifile \
--enable-flatfile \
--without-gdbm \
--with-ldap=shared \
--enable-session=shared \
--enable-posix=shared \
--enable-sysvmsg=shared \
--enable-sysvsem=shared \
--enable-sysvshm=shared \
--enable-shmop=shared \
--enable-soap=shared \
--enable-sockets=shared \
--enable-phar=shared \
--enable-hash \
--with-zlib=shared \
--with-bz2=shared \
--enable-zip=shared \
--with-openssl=shared --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/ssl \
--with-mcrypt=shared \
--enable-libxml=shared \
--enable-xmlreader=shared \
--enable-dom=shared \
--enable-bcmath=shared \
--enable-calendar=shared \
--enable-ctype=shared \
--enable-json=shared \
--with-xmlrpc=shared \
--with-xsl=shared \
--enable-xmlwriter=shared \
--with-tidy=shared,/usr \
--with-gmp=shared \
--enable-fileinfo=shared \
--enable-tokenizer=shared \
--enable-simplexml=shared \
--with-pspell=shared \
--enable-ipv6 \
--with-curl=shared \
--without-curlwrappers \
--enable-ftp=shared \
--with-imap-ssl=shared,/usr/local/ssl \
--with-snmp=shared,/usr/local/net-snmp \
--with-pcre-dir=/usr/local --with-pcre-regex=/usr/local
--with-regex=php \
--with-iconv=shared \
--enable-mbstring=shared \
--enable-mbregex \
--with-gettext=shared \
--enable-intl=shared \
--with-icu-dir=/usr/local \
--with-gd=shared \
--enable-gd-native-ttf \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr \
--with-png-dir=/usr \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr \

it configures, then makes, with NO errors.

this php is completely functional ...

BUT, the binary ends up linked against the WRONG pcre,

ldd /usr/local/php5/bin/php | grep pcre
libpcre.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libpcre.so.1

instead of what I pointed to with

--with-pcre-dir=/usr/local --with-pcre-regex=/usr/local
--with-regex=php \


/usr/local/bin/pcre-config --prefix --exec-prefix --libs
--libs-posix --libs-cpp --cflags --cflags-posix
-L/usr/local/lib64 -lpcre
-L/usr/local/lib64 -lpcreposix -lpcre
-L/usr/local/lib64 -lpcrecpp -lpcre
ls -al /usr/local/lib64/libpcre*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 965 Oct 18 11:44
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcrecpp.so -> libpcrecpp.so.0.0.0*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcrecpp.so.0 -> libpcrecpp.so.0.0.0*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46K Oct 18 11:44
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 919 Oct 18 11:44
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 977 Oct 18 11:44
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcreposix.so ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcreposix.so.0 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13K Oct 18 11:44
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcre.so -> libpcre.so.1.0.1*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Oct 18 11:44
/usr/local/lib64/libpcre.so.1 -> libpcre.so.1.0.1*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 577K Oct 18 11:44

question: what additional/different config is required to get it to
link against the pcre libs in /usr/local/... ?
