[PHP-INSTALL] What need to do for supporting a new extension?
2010-01-06 13:38:32 UTC
I use Ubuntu 9.10,PHP 5.3.1,apache2.24
I compiled the PHP from php source successfully.

Now I want to build the mbstring module from source. My operations:
shell> cd php src dir/
shell> phpize
shell> .configure
shell> make && sudo make install
shell> echo ectension=mbstring.so >> php.ini
Now it has built the mbstring.so.
But my php still did not support this module.

I found something in the log files of Apache Httpd server.
"PHP Startup: mbstring: Unable to initialize module
51 Module compiled with module API=20060613
52 PHP compiled with module API=20090626
53 These options need to match "

It seems so strange:
why the module APIS are different when I build the PHP and PHP modules from
the same php source tar file.

another question:
If I want to increase a dynamic module for PHP, What do I need to do?
1.setting the php.ini file
2.move the *.so files to the specified directory(extension_dir)
3.move the related headers to include directory( is this necessary?)
is this enough for finishing that task( to support a module)?
Best Wishes,
Keith Roberts
2010-01-06 18:02:45 UTC
Subject: [PHP-INSTALL] What need to do for supporting a new extension?
I use Ubuntu 9.10,PHP 5.3.1,apache2.24
I compiled the PHP from php source successfully.
shell> cd php src dir/
shell> phpize
shell> .configure
shell> make && sudo make install
shell> echo ectension=mbstring.so >> php.ini
Now it has built the mbstring.so.
But my php still did not support this module.
I found something in the log files of Apache Httpd server.
"PHP Startup: mbstring: Unable to initialize module
51 Module compiled with module API=20060613
52 PHP compiled with module API=20090626
53 These options need to match "
why the module APIS are different when I build the PHP and PHP modules from
the same php source tar file.
If I want to increase a dynamic module for PHP, What do I need to do?
1.setting the php.ini file
2.move the *.so files to the specified directory(extension_dir)
3.move the related headers to include directory( is this necessary?)
is this enough for finishing that task( to support a module)?
Best Wishes,
It sounds like you have conflicting PHP and
possibly Apache packages installed.

If you want to compile PHP yourself, you need to use the
same version of PHP that ships with Ubuntu.

You will also need to link the PHP to the correct apache
apxs library.

Are you trying to compile PHP 5.2.x by any chance?

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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