[Fwd: Re: [PHP-INSTALL] 3 day nightmare [Incident:081219-001436]]
2008-12-19 16:42:44 UTC
Why am I getting these emails?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [PHP-INSTALL] 3 day nightmare [Incident:081219-001436]
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:33:26 -0500 (EST)
From: Abuse Department <***@mailca.custhelp.com>
Reply-To: Abuse Department <***@mailca.custhelp.com>
To: ***@videotron.ca

* Response*

********** This is an automated reply to your message to Email Abuse.

Your message has been delivered to our email abuse department. This
department handles complaints from users that are receiving unwanted
email. We try our best to investigate all reports of abuse. If we
determine that the email you reported was in fact sent from an email
address at one of our domains, or by way of computers operated by us, we
will take the appropriate action.

If you did not include the original "message headers" along with your
message, please do so by replying to this message, leaving the subject
line intact (which contains our tracking identification), and including
all email headers. Email headers show specific details regarding the
source provider, path, originating program, and destination of the
message which is not shown within the TO: and FROM: address fields of
the email.

Unfortunately, "spammers" use a variety of techniques to mask an email's
actual point of origin, such as by forging information to make it appear
as though the email originated from a domain that is well recognized
across the Internet. Accordingly, the information in the header is very
helpful in assisting us in our investigation.

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate you
bringing this matter to our attention.


The Email Abuse Department

* Discussion Thread*
* Customer ( PJ)* 12/19/2008 11:33 AM
Things get better - hah!

I finally figured out that the reason for all the "problems" is that the
deinstallation of a port does not clean out the port directories and
there are a lot of residual files that screw up any installations or
It looks like the only way to get things straight is to unistall all the
related programs and delete (remove) the related ports from the ports
directory; then, run cvsup-without-gui :
# cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile from the /root directory.
You have to verify the configuration of each port with make showconfig;
then to change the configuration (if so desired) make config and then
make install clean.
Great! Sure works on most of the programs except when so;me idiot has
screwed up the works, like on php5-5.2.8. On installing phpmyadmin there
is a break in a "required" file in php5-spl (don't know what that is).
So, I'm back to square 1, or is it 0...
Still more wonders - some yoyo posted a solution (my donkey!)
where in he says to do just what I had already done and found does not
work... delete the php5-spl port and then run cvsup (as above)...
but.... the clown merely says "cvsup" .... oh yeah? what the devil does
he mean, cvsup - which version and what directives? And then he says to
run the phpmyadmin make install clean again... Now, does one have to be
naive to think that the phpmyadmin install will now miraculously work?
And that's not all... I wanted to post to the site to find out what the
guy really meant with the cvsup and what miracles would make the
installation work? Yeah, I wanted to... but miracle of miracles.... the
site is having some server issues and it is impossible to register
(especially with their ridiculous image verification setup)... and to
top it all off, their contact for reporting a problem with registration
or anything uses the same verification and again, there is server
problem... result- you can't register to post and you can't report a
problem... BRAVO FreeBSD.
I'm beginning to wonder why there are so many Linux users... all I can
say at this time is - horsemanure !!!
This is rather complicated, so please bear with me.
Running FreeBSD 7.0
Background: Originally installed MySql 6.08alpha (compiled from ports),
php5.27,phpMyAdmin3.10, php-mysql-5.27,php-gd-5.27 and eventually got
things working ok.
Problem: My ISP host is using MySql 5.0.37 and phpMyAdmin 2.10.1 ; so,
I figure that I had better use something "compatible" in developing a
Currently on FBSD Mysql50 is 5.0.67_1 and phpMyAdmin 3.1.0 - assume
that installing these should make the MySql db work on the site as well
as on my local development serve...
I have gone through innumerable contortions for 3 days trying to install
the needed versions but the only thing that works (more or less) is
I have checked and rechecked, installed and reinstalled Mysql, Php5,
phpMyAdmin and php5-mysql, php-gd2, etc. and all I get is nada.
info.php does not show mysql but it does show the pgsql and gd2
the mysql.so module is in the extensions.ini file and the file location
is set in php.ini.
After installing phpMyAdmin there is no phpadmin database in MySql and I
cannot connect to phpadmin - error - Cannot access mysql module, check
php configuration.
I tried to clean out theFBSD server files of almost all files and
directories related to MySql, php5, phpmyadmin and then reinstalled
MySql50, php5, phpmyadmin as well as php5-mysql, php5-gd and php5-pgsql.
Both php5-mysql and php5-pgsql installed the required modules in the
extensions.ini directory - but the mysql module is not recognized by
What am I missing here? I can seek out and attach error files - but I
don't know where or what would give any indications of what is wrong.
mysqld seems to be runnin -
root 1482 0.0 0.1 3456 1384 ?? I 8:55AM 0:00.00 sh -c
((/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld || /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe) &)
root 1483 0.0 0.1 3456 1492 ?? I 8:55AM 0:00.01 /bin/sh
mysql 1497 0.0 1.1 65860 22400 ?? I 8:55AM 0:03.28
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/var/db/mysq
root 66079 0.0 0.1 3308 1136 v0 S+ 11:26AM 0:00.00 grep mysql
Is the datadir=/var/db/mysq correct or is it truncated?
HELP, please...
Daniel Brown
2008-12-19 19:26:00 UTC
Post by PJ
Why am I getting these emails?
The message isn't very helpful, that's for sure, but my guess is
that it's someone subscribed to the list whose system is, for one
reason or another, marking your messages as potential SPAM. In any
case, it's not coming from us, and your messages are getting through
to the list, so you're safe to ignore it.
Post by PJ
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [PHP-INSTALL] 3 day nightmare [Incident:081219-001436]
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:33:26 -0500 (EST)
* Response*
********** This is an automated reply to your message to Email Abuse.
Your message has been delivered to our email abuse department. This
department handles complaints from users that are receiving unwanted email.
We try our best to investigate all reports of abuse. If we determine that
the email you reported was in fact sent from an email address at one of our
domains, or by way of computers operated by us, we will take the appropriate
If you did not include the original "message headers" along with your
message, please do so by replying to this message, leaving the subject line
intact (which contains our tracking identification), and including all email
headers. Email headers show specific details regarding the source provider,
path, originating program, and destination of the message which is not shown
within the TO: and FROM: address fields of the email.
Unfortunately, "spammers" use a variety of techniques to mask an email's
actual point of origin, such as by forging information to make it appear as
though the email originated from a domain that is well recognized across the
Internet. Accordingly, the information in the header is very helpful in
assisting us in our investigation.
We regret any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate you bringing
this matter to our attention.
The Email Abuse Department
* Discussion Thread*
* Customer ( PJ)* 12/19/2008 11:33 AM
Things get better - hah!
I finally figured out that the reason for all the "problems" is that the
deinstallation of a port does not clean out the port directories and
there are a lot of residual files that screw up any installations or
It looks like the only way to get things straight is to unistall all the
related programs and delete (remove) the related ports from the ports
# cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile from the /root directory.
You have to verify the configuration of each port with make showconfig;
then to change the configuration (if so desired) make config and then
make install clean.
Great! Sure works on most of the programs except when so;me idiot has
screwed up the works, like on php5-5.2.8. On installing phpmyadmin there
is a break in a "required" file in php5-spl (don't know what that is).
So, I'm back to square 1, or is it 0...
Still more wonders - some yoyo posted a solution (my donkey!)
where in he says to do just what I had already done and found does not
work... delete the php5-spl port and then run cvsup (as above)...
but.... the clown merely says "cvsup" .... oh yeah? what the devil does
he mean, cvsup - which version and what directives? And then he says to
run the phpmyadmin make install clean again... Now, does one have to be
naive to think that the phpmyadmin install will now miraculously work?
And that's not all... I wanted to post to the site to find out what the
guy really meant with the cvsup and what miracles would make the
installation work? Yeah, I wanted to... but miracle of miracles.... the
site is having some server issues and it is impossible to register
(especially with their ridiculous image verification setup)... and to
top it all off, their contact for reporting a problem with registration
or anything uses the same verification and again, there is server
problem... result- you can't register to post and you can't report a
problem... BRAVO FreeBSD.
I'm beginning to wonder why there are so many Linux users... all I can
say at this time is - horsemanure !!!
This is rather complicated, so please bear with me.
Running FreeBSD 7.0
Background: Originally installed MySql 6.08alpha (compiled from ports),
php5.27,phpMyAdmin3.10, php-mysql-5.27,php-gd-5.27 and eventually got
things working ok.
Problem: My ISP host is using MySql 5.0.37 and phpMyAdmin 2.10.1 ; so,
I figure that I had better use something "compatible" in developing a
Currently on FBSD Mysql50 is 5.0.67_1 and phpMyAdmin 3.1.0 - assume
that installing these should make the MySql db work on the site as well
as on my local development serve...
I have gone through innumerable contortions for 3 days trying to install
the needed versions but the only thing that works (more or less) is
I have checked and rechecked, installed and reinstalled Mysql, Php5,
phpMyAdmin and php5-mysql, php-gd2, etc. and all I get is nada.
info.php does not show mysql but it does show the pgsql and gd2
the mysql.so module is in the extensions.ini file and the file location
is set in php.ini.
After installing phpMyAdmin there is no phpadmin database in MySql and I
cannot connect to phpadmin - error - Cannot access mysql module, check
php configuration.
I tried to clean out theFBSD server files of almost all files and
directories related to MySql, php5, phpmyadmin and then reinstalled
MySql50, php5, phpmyadmin as well as php5-mysql, php5-gd and php5-pgsql.
Both php5-mysql and php5-pgsql installed the required modules in the
extensions.ini directory - but the mysql module is not recognized by
What am I missing here? I can seek out and attach error files - but I
don't know where or what would give any indications of what is wrong.
mysqld seems to be runnin -
root 1482 0.0 0.1 3456 1384 ?? I 8:55AM 0:00.00 sh -c
((/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld || /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe) &)
root 1483 0.0 0.1 3456 1492 ?? I 8:55AM 0:00.01 /bin/sh
mysql 1497 0.0 1.1 65860 22400 ?? I 8:55AM 0:03.28
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/var/db/mysq
root 66079 0.0 0.1 3308 1136 v0 S+ 11:26AM 0:00.00 grep mysql
Is the datadir=/var/db/mysq correct or is it truncated?
HELP, please...
</Daniel P. Brown>
***@parasane.net || ***@php.net
http://www.parasane.net/ || http://www.pilotpig.net/
Unadvertised dedicated server deals, too low to print - email me to find out!