[PHP-INSTALL] no modules or extensions
2008-12-21 04:07:32 UTC
I have just reinstalled php5 5.2.8 for the umpteenth time on FreeBSD and
cannot get session or mysql modules installed.
web page info.php shows the correct path to the extensions.ini file,
reports the file was parsed and file locations etc. are all ok. But
there is no session or mysql reference on the page.

php5 is an upgrade from 5.2.7 (which worked fine and showed all the
extension on the info.php page and phpmyadmin worked fine and webmin
accessed and worked with mysql.

Now, neither phpmyadmin nor webmin are correctly functional

phpmyadmin shows error - "Cannot load session extension. Check php

I even deinstalled and reinstalled php5-mysql and php5-session after
deleting the session.so and mysql.so files from extensions.ini

And there are no LoadModules in for MySQL or session in apache22 2.11

Since upgrading apache22 and php5 apache22 no longer displays pages with
php coding; it does disiplay the an index.php page that has only html
coding but not if php-coded pages are loaded from the index.php page.

I am lost again. Please show me where I have gone wrong...
Keith Roberts
2008-12-21 11:41:22 UTC
Subject: [PHP-INSTALL] no modules or extensions
I have just reinstalled php5 5.2.8 for the umpteenth time on FreeBSD and
cannot get session or mysql modules installed.
web page info.php shows the correct path to the extensions.ini file,
reports the file was parsed and file locations etc. are all ok. But there
is no session or mysql reference on the page.
php5 is an upgrade from 5.2.7 (which worked fine and showed all the
extension on the info.php page and phpmyadmin worked fine and webmin
accessed and worked with mysql.
Now, neither phpmyadmin nor webmin are correctly functional
phpmyadmin shows error - "Cannot load session extension. Check php
I even deinstalled and reinstalled php5-mysql and php5-session after
deleting the session.so and mysql.so files from extensions.ini
And there are no LoadModules in for MySQL or session in apache22 2.11
Since upgrading apache22 and php5 apache22 no longer displays pages with
php coding; it does disiplay the an index.php page that has only html
coding but not if php-coded pages are loaded from the index.php page.
I am lost again. Please show me where I have gone wrong...
Could be a few different problems here.

Try adding to your httpd.conf file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Then stop and start apache to make it reread httpd.conf.

If you can get the output from info.php, then please copy
the entire text and mail it to me off list.

Sounds like your php might be looking in the wrong place for
it's version of php.ini, which is one reason the php
modules are not being loaded.



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TMDA [http://tmda.net]
2008-12-22 18:19:49 UTC
SOLVED - turns out that the root of all evil was incorrect permissions
on apache22/data files set to 766 which prevented execution of php files.

Happy holidays.
