[PHP-INSTALL] make test fails on 5.4.6 with old bugs
Ro Achterberg
2012-09-07 16:00:23 UTC

I've recently built a custom configuration of PHP 5.4.6. ./configure and
make run without problems, but then make test ends with the following
failed tests:

Bug #43073 (TrueType bounding box is wrong for angle<>0)
Bug #48801 (Problem with imagettfbbox) [ext/gd/tests/bug48801.phpt]
Test 10: EXSLT Support [ext/xsl/tests/xslt010.phpt]

I can confirm that at least bug #43073 was fixed in the source tarball
that I'm building. Bug #48801 was reported to be fixed in 2009, so these
test results really don't make sense to me. Test 10 needs a better
description for me to understand it more. Does it mean it thinks my
system doesn't support libexslt (which it does), or that something about
it is broken?

My system is CentOS 5.2, gcc 4.1.2, glibc 2.5, binutils 2.22. Any
insights would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Ro Achterberg
Christopher Jones
2012-09-10 01:47:21 UTC
Bug #43073 (TrueType bounding box is wrong for angle<>0) [ext/gd/tests/bug43073.phpt]
Bug #48801 (Problem with imagettfbbox) [ext/gd/tests/bug48801.phpt]
Test 10: EXSLT Support [ext/xsl/tests/xslt010.phpt]
I can confirm that at least bug #43073 was fixed in the source tarball that I'm building. Bug #48801 was reported to be fixed in 2009, so these test results really don't make sense to me. Test 10 needs a better description for me to understand it more.
Does it mean it thinks my system doesn't support libexslt (which it does), or that something about it is broken?
My system is CentOS 5.2, gcc 4.1.2, glibc 2.5, binutils 2.22. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Ro Achterberg
Some PHP tests have been observed to fail with different versions of system libraries; this is common with gd & XML.
Checking http://qa.php.net/reports/ might give you a feel for what other people are experiencing. If you are
concerned, then you will need to log a bug and/or debug the problem.

You are using a fairly old version of the OS; this can be a contributory factor to seeing diffs.
If you have any suggestions for fixing tests to increase portability, you can submit pull requests at https://github.com/php/php-src
