2011-09-22 04:21:57 UTC

I configured php using the following parameters:
Configure Command => './configure' '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/bin/mcrypt' '--wi
thout-pear' '--enable-debug'

and things appear to be fine.

This message listed below appears in config.status:

Something is likely to be messed up here, because the configure
script was not able to detect a simple feature on your platform.
This is often caused by incorrect configuration parameters. Please
see the file debug.log for error messages.

If you are unable to fix this, send the file debug.log to the
php-***@lists.php.net mailing list and include appropiate
information about your setup.

I issued the following command at the command line:

# find / -name "debug.log"

As you can see the debug didn't return anything Not sure what to do from here. The surprising thing is this time the build of php was complete as seen in the following example:

# alh_test.php




Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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Daniel Brown
2011-09-22 21:45:58 UTC
Post by A***@homedepot.com
Configure Command =>  './configure'  '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/bin/mcrypt'
thout-pear' '--enable-debug'
and things appear to be fine.
                       *** ATTENTION ***
 Something is likely to be messed up here, because the configure
 script was not able to detect a simple feature on your platform.
 This is often caused by incorrect configuration parameters. Please
 see the file debug.log for error messages.
 If you are unable to fix this, send the file debug.log to the
 information about your setup.
# find / -name "debug.log"
As you can see the debug didn’t return anything  Not sure what to do from
here.  The surprising thing is this time the build of php was complete as
It sounds like that debug.log may be from a previous attempt. It
should be located in the build directory, so you shouldn't have to
`find` or `locate` elsewhere. If you're concerned, try redoing it all
from scratch and see if you get that error again.
Post by A***@homedepot.com
# alh_test.php
Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Noting that you're defining in the script which PHP binary to use, try this:

for i in $(whereis php); do echo "$i:"; $i -v; done

You may find that you have multiple instances of PHP installed, so
that script may be working with one version, but you may, indeed, be
having problems compiling 5.2.17 today.
</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager
Daniel Brown
2011-09-23 01:24:16 UTC
Thanks for your response I will look into it tomorrow.  What issues to I run into in running PHP in I guess debug mode?
Just to be clear: the debug.log will not necessarily be located in
your build directory, unless that's from where you ran the script.

The main issue in running debug-enabled PHP will indeed be the
amount of resource overhead. It should only be compiled as such when
you need to debug the core or extensions, not your PHP code.

If you're looking for debugging in that respect, Xdebug is
probably your best bet:

</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager
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