Provide a link to your info.php file and I'll take a look, I wont ask
A link / url ->
direct/01/ appeared in your original message, if it had nothing to
do with your message then it should not have been included.
sorry I did not understand that? what is this link??
I ask about a test php page which when I run I can not see
now if I go to terminal and type: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get empty
however in system preferences, I have such a variable defined...
can anyone help? could it be something wrong in my ./configure of php?
Subject: Re: [PHP-INSTALL] LD_LIBRARY_PATH not show in phpinfo
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 06:16:21 -0400
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not showing in environment in phpinfo. Any
ideas why?
php 5.2.5 apache 2.2.8 mac os x 10.5.2
This link doesn't bring you to an info.php page, it redirects you
and even there no info.php page so how can anyone comment when
they can't validate your claim?
-- Dale
-- Dale