On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 4:33 AM, michael glancy
HI Daniel
I installed Xampp last night but it still didnt have those extensions
was there something else I should have done ?
For the benefit of others now and in the future (through the
archives and web searches), please keep replies on the list.
(Forwarded to the Windows PHP list as well.)
Here's a quick run-down for all of the extensions you mentioned
needing for Magento. Note that, with XAMPP on Windows, php.ini is
probably in one of the following locations (where X:\ is the drive
letter on which XAMPP or XAMPPLite is installed):
1.) To get pdo_mysql working on Windows with XAMPP, edit your
php.ini file and make sure the following lines exist and are
uncommented (don't have a semicolon [;] in front of them):
2.) For mcrypt to work, you have to do the same thing as above -
edit the php.ini file - making sure this time that these lines exist
and are uncommented:
extension = php_mcrypt.dll
extension=php_mcrypt_filter.dll extension =
extension=php_mhash.dll extension = php_mhash.dll
3.) For cURL, it's much of the same. Edit your php.ini file and
make sure this line is there, and that it's not commented:
4.) For GD, once again, edit the php.ini file and make sure this
line is there, and that it's not commented:
5.) Restart Apache and try your Magento installation again.
a.) Google is your friend. Always search for your answers
there before sending a question to the list. Often searching for what
you want to do, along with the keyword `howto` or separate words `how
to install` will give you the answer you need with the first result.
b.) For the official page on installing Windows extensions for
PHP, go to:
c.) To find out where your extension directory is, create a
file in the web root of XAMPP (it should be the `htdocs` (without
quotes) subdirectory within the XAMPP installation directory, by
default). Name it phpinfo.php and put only the following code into
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
.... then access that page by going to
http://servername/phpinfo.php and finding the field named
"extension_dir" in the `Configuration->PHP Core` section.
d.) When you know your extension directory, check that to make
sure the extensions mentioned above in the installation instructions
(the .dll files) actually exist in the extension directory.
e.) Any time you make changes to php.ini or httpd.conf
(Apache's configuration file), you must ALWAYS restart Apache to have
these changes take effect.
</Daniel P. Brown>
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