[PHP-INSTALL] Installation issue with PHP 5.3.1
Matt Campo
2009-12-16 22:11:17 UTC
I am about to throw something very expensive through a large window right

Here's the issue:

PHP version: 5.3.1
Server: IIS 6
OS: Windows XP SP2

I had PHP running fine on my development machine for months, but then I had
to write a script that allows users to upload files to my site. Due to the
ridiculous security settings for IIS, I got frustrated and decided to switch
to Apache 2.2.14.

COULD NOT get PHP 5.3.1 to work with Apache (the normal php.ini lines worked
fine, except for PHPIniDir - this caused Apache to crash on startup. If it
was left uncommented, it worked fine), so I'm trying to switch back to IIS.

I've completely uninstalled PHP from my machine & removed any old files.
When re-installing using the msi, I get the following error message: "Error
trying to find the nodes containing scriptmaps :GetDataPaths Failed. You
will need to manually configure the web server."

I then manually configure the server to use FastCGI, according to the
instructions on the PHP website.

After restarting IIS, I navigate to the test page for my site. Instead of
displaying the page, my browser downloads the page as a file.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on here?

Lester Caine
2009-12-17 06:47:03 UTC
Post by Matt Campo
I am about to throw something very expensive through a large window
right now.
PHP version: 5.3.1
Server: IIS 6
OS: Windows XP SP2
I had PHP running fine on my development machine for months, but then I
had to write a script that allows users to upload files to my site. Due
to the ridiculous security settings for IIS, I got frustrated and
decided to switch to Apache 2.2.14.
COULD NOT get PHP 5.3.1 to work with Apache (the normal php.ini lines
worked fine, except for PHPIniDir - this caused Apache to crash on
startup. If it was left uncommented, it worked fine), so I'm trying to
switch back to IIS.
I've completely uninstalled PHP from my machine & removed any old files.
"Error trying to find the nodes containing scriptmaps :GetDataPaths
Failed. You will need to manually configure the web server."
I then manually configure the server to use FastCGI, according to the
instructions on the PHP website.
After restarting IIS, I navigate to the test page for my site. Instead
of displaying the page, my browser downloads the page as a file.
Does anyone have a clue what's going on here?
Did you CHANGE the version of PHP5.3.1 when you switched to Apache? You need the
VC6 build rather than the VC9 one. Another pigging cock up due to M$ incompetence ;)

I have to admit to still using 5.2.11 on production windows machines since it
has ALL the packages I need, while 5.3 windows still needs a lot of packages
'converting' to the new VCx rules :(
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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