[PHP-INSTALL] Error when installing 5.2.8 on Win XP
Robert Liston
2009-02-08 10:11:23 UTC
When I attempted to install PHP using the Windows msi installer
(php-5.2.8-win32-installer.msi), I received a message to say:

"There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required
for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support
personnel or package vendor".

My only option was to cancel out and abort the installation.

Platform: Win XP SP3 with all the latest MS patches. IIS 5.1

Any suggestions?

Robert Liston
2009-02-10 07:51:13 UTC
Did you try to install from zip archive also ? I had same problem on
windows vista and i used zip php package and it worked fine.

Jerôme Kaluza
Service du Sang
Service Informatique
Croix-Rouge de Belgique
rue de Stalle 96 - 5e étage
B-1180 Bruxelles
Tél. : + 32 (0)2 371 35 05
GSM : +32 (0)473 80 76 74
Fax : + 32 (0)2 371 35 23

P.S.: Le temps de lire ce mail, 1 personne aura eu besoin d?une
transfusion en Belgique pour survivre. Alors, n'oublions pas : une vie est
irremplaçable, pas le sang ! Plus d'infos, sur http://www.transfusion.be.
Post by Robert Liston
When I attempted to install PHP using the Windows msi installer
"There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required
for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support
personnel or package vendor".
My only option was to cancel out and abort the installation.
Platform: Win XP SP3 with all the latest MS patches. IIS 5.1
Any suggestions?
Robert Liston
molina fernandez luis javier
2009-02-11 02:53:18 UTC
I have installed Apache in my computer and all work very well.
I'm trying to install PHP following the instructions step by step, but at the end, when I restart Apache it shows an error that says:

Syntax error on line 134 of c:Archivos de programa/Apache group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load c:/php/php4apache.dll into server: No es posible encontrar el modulo especificado... (Not is posible to find the specified module...)

What can be the mistake?

Thank you very much

Luis Javier Molina F.
2009-02-11 10:06:54 UTC
check that php4apache.dll is in c:\php. Looks like apache script parser
cannot locate that dll file.
If this file is in a different folder, just copy paste it and make sure to
change windows "\" to apache config format "/"

Jerôme Kaluza
Service du Sang
Service Informatique
Croix-Rouge de Belgique
rue de Stalle 96 - 5e étage
B-1180 Bruxelles
Tél. : + 32 (0)2 371 35 05
GSM : +32 (0)473 80 76 74
Fax : + 32 (0)2 371 35 23

P.S.: Le temps de lire ce mail, 1 personne aura eu besoin d?une
transfusion en Belgique pour survivre. Alors, n'oublions pas : une vie est
irremplaçable, pas le sang ! Plus d'infos, sur http://www.transfusion.be.
Post by molina fernandez luis javier
I have installed Apache in my computer and all work very well.
I'm trying to install PHP following the instructions step by step,
Syntax error on line 134 of c:Archivos de programa/Apache
Cannot load c:/php/php4apache.dll into server: No es posible
encontrar el modulo especificado... (Not is posible to find the
specified module...)
What can be the mistake?
Thank you very much
Luis Javier Molina F.