2009-08-29 17:12:16 UTC
Hello, can anybody publish a step by step procedure how to install PHP
5.3.0 in FastCGI mode unde WXP and IIS 5.1 ?
Previous version 5.2.9 works fine in ISAPI mode, now I try to run this
version withou success. Error message apears "libglib-2.0-0.dll was not
found" folowed by next error message "OCI.dll was not found".
5.3.0 in FastCGI mode unde WXP and IIS 5.1 ?
Previous version 5.2.9 works fine in ISAPI mode, now I try to run this
version withou success. Error message apears "libglib-2.0-0.dll was not
found" folowed by next error message "OCI.dll was not found".