Also, since you made changes to the httpd.conf file, run a apache -t or a
httpd -t, depending upon the apache version, from the command line. It
files you added a statement for in the httpd.conf file. It will even give
you the line number.
your server, for a php file Apache doesn't know what a php file is.
Post by Miles ThompsonTommy Peterson's instructions look right. (Although I've never
installed on a Windows box.)
When you "stopped" Apache, did you check to see if an older
instance was running. That often catches the experts.
Did you do a check on Apache's configuration? (Usually apache2ctl -check)
Is Apache running as a service?
Does Apache render HTML?
Create this file, phpinfo.php, and put it in your docroot (webroot,
Then this URL: [ http://localhost/phpinfo.php
]http://localhost/phpinfo.php should tell you about your PHP and Apache
configuration, IF correctly installed and configured.
It's not generally recommended to parse HTML files a PHP files because
the interpreter has to look at every line, not just the sequences set
apart by PHP's open and close tags.
Apart from that I can't be much help. The other alternative is to grab
one of the WAMP packages which does a complete install of MySQL, Apache
and PHP.
Good luck with this - Miles
On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Jerry Adair <[
Hi Tommy/Keith/Newsgroup,
Thank you for the input, I REALLY appreciate it. I did everything you
1) Yes I am running on Windows XP. So it seems that I shouldn't do any
of the "*.so" stuff that Keith mentioned, that seems like a
UNIX thing. If I can just get the thing to work, I will split my PHP
definitions off into another file just as Keith recommends. However for
now I just want it to work.
2) What exactly am I supposed to rename in the php directory? Your email
just said "rename the PHP file" ... the documentation says to
rename either the php.ini-recommended or php.ini-dist as php.ini. So I
renamed the php.ini-recommended to php.ini in my PHP directory, which I
installed in C:\php.
#JRA added this
#Preload the PHP interpreter so that Apache can find it
#even if it's not in the path
LoadFile "C:\php\php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module "C:\php\php5apache2_2.dll"
PHPIniDir "C:\php"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
The problem with this is that I cannot find the "application"
directory ANYWHERE. I downloaded what I thought was/is the latest
version of Apache from a mirror site, but there is no application
directory. Nothing in the instructions mentions such a directory, that I
read anyway. Do I just need to create it manually? Confusing. I tried
these definitions with both forward and backward slashes, and it made no
4) I did not copy the php.ini file anywhere.
5) I did add "C:\php" to the PATH environment variable. Is
that really a problem?
6) I have issued many "bin\httpd.exe -k [start|stop]" commands
recently, nothing has changed.
7) Below is what I get when typing [ http://localhost/ ]http://localhost
<h1>It works!</h1>
echo "PHP test\n";
Note that I modified the file a bit just to see if I could get the php
echo text to appear in the browser in addition to the It works! text...
8) Is there an installation issue at work here? Do I need to install PHP
only AFTER installing Apache?
Thanks for any help. I am LOST!
""Tommy Peterson"" <[
If you can't get this working, and you are using a Windows, not
Linux/Unix machine, do the following (the online doc are not complete or
1) Rename the PHP file in your PHP directory to PHP.ini (add the .ini extension to it).
2) In your Apache httpd.conf file (localed in the apache's conf directory do the following
Here is the proper apache directives to load php, preferbly saved as
php.conf and included from your main config.
#load the php main library to avoid dll hell
Loadfile "C:\pathtophp\php5ts.dll"
#load the sapi so that apache can use php
LoadModule php5_module "C:\pathtophp\php5apache2_2.dll"
#set the php.ini location so that you don't have to waste time guessing where it is
PHPIniDir "C:\pathtophp"
#Hook the php file extensions, notice that Addtype is NOT USED, since that's just stupid
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
Do not copy any php files anywhere
Do not edit the system path. If you have deleted them.
4) Delete any additions from you httpd.conf and php.ini that you have
made to try to get it to work.
5) restart your apache server. It should work.