[PHP-INSTALL] Trying to get GD2 to work with PHP.
2008-12-05 14:49:06 UTC
I am creating a new website that uses ImageFlow

I have created a test page for use with the new ImageFlow.js

When I load the webpage, I get the correct page except the pictures. This
leads me to think that the pictures aren't being rendered by the extension

Any I on the right track here? Is there where I should be asking the
Daniel Brown
2008-12-05 14:54:40 UTC
Post by Daniel
I am creating a new website that uses ImageFlow
I have created a test page for use with the new ImageFlow.js
When I load the webpage, I get the correct page except the pictures. This
leads me to think that the pictures aren't being rendered by the extension
Pretty vague. Are you not seeing any output where the pictures
should be? When viewing the source, are there any errors from PHP in
place of the images? What do you see when you attempt to access the
image directly?
Post by Daniel
Any I on the right track here? Is there where I should be asking the
Here or (because it's a DLL) on the PHP-WIN list is the right
place. If it narrows down to a non-PHP issue, then you'll know where
to look for help.
</Daniel P. Brown>
***@parasane.net || ***@php.net
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